
Hello and welcome to Heart Fire Eastern Therapies.



I am Brian the owner of the clinic, having suffered from chronic pain for most of my adult life, I have come out of the other side having discovered the power of non allopathic medicine to make significant health changes.

I am often told that I practice a lot of therapies, this is due to my journey of self healing and my passion for helping people with complex issues. I only practice therapies that gave me  results and have made a great effort  to balance out them in order to treat on every level-physical, emotional and spirit. I will often layer different therapies together in a session as always my aim is to treat you as an individual and not fit you into a named syndrome.

My aim as a therapist is to help you become you again, whether it’s my speciality pain relief or allergies, Menopause, Long Covid, Thyroid organ issues insomnia (there is quite a list), I will do my best to support your needs.